Don't spend your time planning lessons, spend it doing literally anything else.
We have got you covered!

Classroom with Students

As an EFL teacher, you're probably expected to plan lessons for a wide range of teaching contexts, perhaps even for students with a variety of backgrounds, ages, and levels. On top of that, you need to make the lessons dynamic and inviting, while also providing solid learning and achieving your lesson outcomes. If you work for a private concern, it is doubtful that you're paid for this planning time. Ready...Set....Teach is a helping hand, so you can get thoughtful, tested, and effective lesson plans which you can adapt to your needs, and not spend hundreds of hours a year reinventing the wheel.

Passing exams is important, and your job might even depend on students getting their qualifications successfully. That's why we dedicate a whole section to exam tips and tricks, lesson ideas, and exam preparation. Engaging, useful exercises and full plans that take the pressure off you.

Online Lesson
Library Picture

But not everybody is trying to pass an exam. Nor should they be. Many learners just want to speak better, or feel less useless in English. This has its own challenges for you as the teacher. You need to provide value for them without a specific goal in mind, which means no tangible indicators of success. Ready.....Set.....Teach offers a comprehensive library of lesson plans which focus on building English fluency from any starting point, and allowing students to see their own improvement.

Everybody has an opinion on teaching younger learners. It's true that they are capable of absorbing information very quickly, but how do you get them to talk? How do you get a teenager to give you more than a one-word answer? Without promising an exact solution to this problem, our 'Teenagers' section is intended to build that most elusive of skills in young people, critical thinking. If you can get your adolescent learners to think critically, half the battle is won.

Teenagers Classroom